Next-Generation Tools that

Innovate your Lending Operations

installmt is more than payment processing. We constantly innovate to keep your borrowers engaged and grow your business’s top and bottom lines.

Autopay of the Future

installmt smart autopay leverages smart automation to ensure more payments are made on time. installmt autopay quickly & automatically adjusts loan payment dates toward income dates and away from large expenses. It makes a huge difference in your operations, just look at our results:

Delinquency Chart
by the numbers

Delinquency Drops over Time

Real, active results from our clients show consistent, double-digit improvement in short-term delinquency. Interestingly, as these offices used installmt over time, this improvement compounded year-on-year. As businesses continue to use our platform, borrowers increasingly make on-time payments.

by the numbers

Staff can Spend 3x More Time per Loan on Collections

Data collected since the launch of installmt shows us that 66% of approved payments were from autopay with zero human intervention required. We call these “No-Touch” payments. By eliminating focus by employees for 2/3 of every payment, staff can spend 3x as much time on the loans that require collection attention.

Autopay Chart

Integration with Loan Management Systems

LMS integration white bg

We make it easy to use installmt

  • Automatically post payments
  • Payment checkout directly in LMS screens
  • External online payment portal directly connected to LMS server
  • Automated tools interact with LMS to compound benefits

More Next-Gen Tools are On The Way

Future development priorities fall under at least one of these criteria:

Improve key metrics for lenders:

Lower Delinquency Rates

At the end of the day, lenders want to get paid on time. We make tools for that.

lower direct costs

Most tools add direct costs in the hopes of reducing indirect costs. We want to reduce both.

Gain Deeper Insights

Our tools provide additional metrics in simple formats that help you understand your business.

improve staff efficiency

Employees hate it when they’re forced to use yet another tool. It’s not helpful, it hurts efficiency. By keeping things under one roof, our tools actually help efficiency.

Ensure borrower financial stability through loan repayments or improve borrower experience with lenders

make it easier to pay

The point of all this new tech is to make things easier on borrowers. Things like more options, streamlined user flow, and simple instructions mean easy access to payments and a greater likelihood of on time payments.

Improve Credit Performance

Improving consumer credit performance is a core tenet of our mission. That’s why we only work with lenders who report credit, and our tools help borrowers make responsible credit decisions.

Ensure Financial Stability

Poorly timed & overly expensive payments can wreak havoc on consumer finances. Some of our tools seek to provide stability to borrower financial security.

reduce unnecessary fees

Late fees, overdraft fees, and others can be easily avoided with the right choice of payment method & timing. Our technology helps with that.

Help us Build the Next Generation of Lending

We build tools for the needs of current clients. By working with installmt, our team is dedicated to making your business better.

or email us!